2012/2013 Schedule
Sept 7
Oct 5
Nov 2
Dec 7
Jan 4
Feb 1
March 1
April 5

Member Loginsend infoHandbookResources
Frequently Asked Questions

Why is there a PEACE membership deadline? 

PEACE accepts members who move into the area or decide to homeschool mid-year at any time throughout the year. The primary purpose of the August 1st

deadline is so that the committees who are in charge of  the optional activities (Activity Day, Choir, Field Trips, etc.) can plan the year’s activities

according to demand and interest. The deadline also ensures that you are included in the PEACE member listing and receive the emails and phone chain messages

that are important in planning which events you wish to attend after August 1st.

Why does PEACE use email instead of just calling me when there is a cancellation or change of event? 

The primary source of communication in PEACE is done over email. Homeschool families are very busy throughout the day and email is a convenient tool that reduces school interruption and saves time. It also saves on the cost of printing when we send the Newsletter and other important documents over email.

Why do I have to serve on a committee when my family joins PEACE? 

PEACE is a co-op and is only as good as its members want it to be. Without each family contributing to the planning and success of certain events, we

wouldn’t be able to offer the variety of activities we currently have to our PEACE Membership.

Where does my membership money go? 

Membership dues are used for the general costs of organizing  and operating the PEACE group. These costs include printing & copying of the handbook and

other publications, postage, phone expenses, facilities rental, supplies, banking charges, refreshments, awards, gifts, grants, etc.  Generally speaking, this fee

does not cover the charges associated with field trips, activities & special events, classes, meals, or optional activities such as Activity Day and Choir.

What is the function of the PEACE Leadership?        

PEACE Leadership is made up of a minimum of three Godly couples that have been members of PEACE for at least one year.  Leadership is responsible

for maintaining, creating, and interpreting policy.  They facilitate the member drive each July.  They determine committees to facilitate PEACE activities and

assign members to run the committees.  Leadership is also responsible for developing and maintaining the fiscal year budget.   Leadership  enforces the

specifics of the discipline policy when necessary.

Why does my family have to agree with and sign the Statement of Faith?   

There are many homeschool groups which families can be part of in this area.  PEACE attempts to be unique in ensuring that families participating in group

activities will be of the same Christian belief system and world view.  While PEACE seeks to be inclusive of families of various church denominations, we want

to be certain we are gathering on common Biblical ground.  PEACE adheres to the Biblical view of heterosexual marriage.

Why does my family have to agree with and sign the Discipline Policy? 

The intent of the discipline policy is to maintain a respectful, God-honoring environment for everyone, ensuring that open, effective communication is maintained

with any opportunities which arise.   It aids committees which run the PEACE events so that there are not habitual disruptions in classes or events.  The

expectation is that all parents participating in any PEACE activity will discern when disciplinary action is required and will follow through with the correct

reporting procedure.

Why aren’t all my children invited to participate in every field trip PEACE sponsors

This is a question that has been given much thought by past and present field trip committees.  Some field trips are limited by space and/or age by the facility

we are touring (Living History Farms, for example, limit their field trips to 25 children and four supervising adults).  Many of our sites request only attendees

of a certain age for safety reasons, as well.  To maximize the educational value of other field trips, they are geared for the age of the group, rather than a

span of ages.  We do offer one or two family field trips annually as well.

Why can’t I bring my baby on a field trip if I’m supervising?    

We encourage the supervising parents to give their full attention to the children they are in charge of, both as a courtesy to the facility and to other parents.  A small baby has needs and can sometimes be a distraction for the children, the supervising parent,  and to the host of the field trip.